Give us a call today to discuss all of your luxury home inspection questions: 518-649-9111
Shield Guard Home Inspections

Luxury/High-end homes take an experienced eye when inspecting. Although luxury/high-end homes in theory operate in similar ways - its fair to say the costs of correcting maintenance issues are not. Let's face it, contractors charge in upwards 4x more in labor for the same amount of work when compared to an average home. An experienced home inspector with knowledge of general repair costs will offer an edge when inspecting luxury homes.
Shield Guard Home Inspections has performed home inspections featured on the NETFLIX SERIES "Buy my house", celebrities and athletes. We understand the importance of confidentiality and will respect any requests for such.
Providing Luxury & High-End Home Inspections

Luxury Homes Featured on BUY MY HOUSE

Luxury Homes Featured on BUY MY HOUSE