Shield Guard Home Inspections Performs Mold Assessments
Mold Assessments
When mold is discovered by a home inspector or a homeowner - a mold assessment is required to assess the mold. The purpose of a mold assessment is to verify mold is present, and/or identify conditions that create a conducive environment for mold growth. According to NYS Labor Law Ch 551 Art. 32, the mold assessment includes an inspection typically visual (intrusive inspections may be necessary) of the structure to compile a mold remediation plan. A mold assessment is required prior to a New York State mold remediation company starting mold remediation. The mold assessment provides a detailed process on how to rid your home of mold and how to prevent it from coming back. Additionally, a price range is provided within the mold assessment. A mold assessment can be performed.
A mold assessment will provide the valuable information you need to be able to find where the mold is located, why the mold is present and ways to get rid of the mold and prevent the mold from returning. If you suspect mold is present within the structure but do not visually see mold growth, indoor air quality testing can assist you with locating the source and growth of mold. Various indoor air quality tests will be performed in different parts of the structure to test the air for mold contaminants.

Mold spores in the air can cause allergenic type reactions to serious long-term health issues. It is always recommended to consult with your primary physician when you suspect mold is compromising your indoor air quality.
Additionally, at times an invasive inspection is required to spot-check behind walls, paneling and or other building elements to see if mold is present. This is usually the not-so-common method but is sometimes required to see where the mold is manifesting. Identifying the location of mold and the mold source is detrimental to the mold remediation process. The source of mold may be water intrusion due to clogged gutters, poor gutter installation, improper grading, plumbing leak all the way to improper attic ventilation, or roof leaks. A qualified licensed mold assessor is your first point of contact during a mold complication. A thorough mold assessor makes the mold remediation company's job easier and more thorough.
Who can perform a Mold Assessment?
In the state of New York, a licensed New York State mold assessment company such as the Shield Guard Home Inspections can provide clients with a mold assessment. This law became effective from January 1, 2016, that only a licensed mold assessor can provide a mold assessment. Mold Assessors make the remediation plan. After a mold assessment is provided a licensed New York State mold remediation company can remediate the mold.
When Do I Need A Mold Inspection?
A mold inspection and or mold assessment is typically performed when:
1.) visible mold and or questionable mold is present.
2.) the occupant of a home and or business exhibits health issues that resemble mold presence (indoor air quality testing may be required).
What Is A Mold Assessment?
A mold assessment contains the following information that is then provided to a mold remediation company of your choice:
1.) Where the mold is located
2.) Why is the mold there
3.) How to remove the mold
4.) How to correct deficiencies such as moisture issues and or ventilation etc to prevent the mold from returning.
What Happens if the mold is questionable and or not visible?
If mold is questionable (visible staining and or discoloration is present) a tape test can be performed and sent to a mold certified lab for testing. This will either confirm or deny the presence of mold.
If the mold is not visible but an occupant is having health issues an indoor air quality test can be performed. Various samples from different rooms within the structure are captured and sent to mold certified testing lab.
Rely on mold assessment experts certified by the state of New York. At Shield Guard Home Inspections, we utilize a comprehensive range of Mold inspection techniques to provide a detailed report that will guide you in deciding the best approach for mold remediation. For more information about our mold testing services, contact Adam Clark at (518) 649-9111